Thursday, May 29, 2008

Get Paste Magazine for Almost Free!

Check out this awesomeness... Paste magazine is offering "pay what you want*" one-year subscriptions. If you're interested, follow this link A.S.A.P. because I don't know how long this promotion will last.

Each issue comes with a music sampler CD ~ sweet!


*Minimum price is $1.00 (and the normal subscription rate is $19.95, so I doubt you'll want to pay more than that) -- have a credit card handy to complete your order.

Also, if by the divine hand of fate you already have a subscription to Paste, the free-ness works for one-year renewals as well.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Them vs You vs Me

When I first heard this song on the radio, I couldn't get it outta my brain. I wanted to look them up, find out the name of the song and the band, but kept forgetting - not the lyrics, just looking up the lyrics in hope of reverse engineering the identity of my new guilty pleasure. But, thankfully, Tom saved me the trouble by reading my mind instead, presenting to me the fabulous new album Them vs You vs Me by Finger Eleven, whose infectious first single I present to you via the glory and magic of youtubery!

Goodbye happy childhood memories, goodbye!

One of my favorite scenes from The Royal Tenenbaums reenacted by one of my favorite muppets, Kermit the Frog. Watch as, according to, which clued me in to this precious gem of puppetry, "Kermee stares at his own reflection, eyes never blinking, staring into the emptiness of life’s eternal puppetry."

Of course, this isn't the great green one's first dalliance with depressing lyrics...