Friday, September 5, 2008

Muppets are AWESOME!

It's no secret that we've got a soft spot for all things Muppet here at The Girls Music Blog... so in case you've yet to catch these rather dated viral vids please take a moment to enjoy them now. Oh, and make sure to stick around till the end of each video to get your geezer on with Statler & Waldorf!

Habanero by Swedish Chef featuring Beaker & Animal
"Bort... bort, bort, bort, bort!"

Blue Danube Waltz by Gonzo
"Greeting culture lovers and citizens of the world wide web!"

Sam Eagle's Independence Day Tribute
"World Wide Web!
Is there a way to put this just on the American part?

Ode to Joy by Beaker
"Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep Meep
Meeeeeeeeeep Meep-Meep

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